December 2023 Spotlight Athlete – Rhianna

December 2023 Spotlight Athlete – Rhianna

Meet Rhianna, Rail Stop Fitness’ December 2023 Spotlight Athlete.  Rhi is a Certified Nurse Assistant and student.  She joined the gym last May looking to “make a positive change” in her life and get healthy.

Prior to joining, Rhi assessed her fitness level at a 2, but since has lost 35 pounds and gained muscle, a “huge personal accomplishment.”  Due to her busy schedule, Rhi finds herself attending 4:30 am classes, as well as the 5 pm classes regularly and is consistently on the monthly Committed Club list!  Rhi points out that her “single biggest goal since joining the gym” has been to regularly keep up with the class, and she’s crushing it!

One of Rhi’s favorite things about the gym is the variety of workouts we do daily, noting, “it keeps working out fun, interesting and challenging.”  Her favorite movements are deadlifts and bench presses, and she’s had amazing gains in both movements.  As a regular attendee in the morning and afternoon, she’s made great gym buddies in both classes.  “I have met some great people who cheer me on and keep me motivated during class!”

When asked what she would tell someone considering joining Rail Stop Fitness, Rhi says, try it!  “If I can do it, you can too!”  Congratulations and thank you to Rhi for being our December Spotlight Athlete and sharing your fitness journey!

people working out in a group fitness class

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